Dim Shared SplitCount As Integer Function SplitChar(sText As ZString Ptr, iChar As UByte) As ZString Ptr Ptr Dim iPos As Integer = 0 Dim iCount As Integer = 0 ' 统计分隔符出现的次数 Do If Cast(UByte Ptr, sText)[iPos] = 0 Then If iChar = 0 Then ' 如果 \0 是分隔符,则 \0\0 才是结束符 If Cast(UByte Ptr, sText)[iPos+1] = 0 Then Exit Do EndIf Else Exit Do EndIf EndIf If Cast(UByte Ptr, sText)[iPos] = iChar Then iCount += 1 EndIf iPos += 1 Loop ' 准备返回的数据 [分割指针 + NULL + 字符串表 + \0] Dim sRet As ZString Ptr Ptr = xRtl.TempMemory((iCount + 2) * SizeOf(Any Ptr) + iPos + 1) Dim pData As UByte Ptr = @sRet[iCount + 2] Dim pAddr As UByte Ptr = pData sRet[iCount + 1] = NULL RtlMoveMemory(pData, sText, iPos) pData[iPos] = 0 ' 开始分割数据 iCount = 0 For i As Integer = 0 To iPos - 1 'Print Cast(UByte Ptr, sText)[i], sText[i] If pData[i] = iChar Then pData[i] = 0 sRet[iCount] = pAddr pAddr = pData + i + 1 iCount += 1 EndIf Next sRet[iCount] = pAddr SplitCount = iCount + 1 Return sRet End Function Function SplitText(sText As ZString Ptr, sSep As ZString Ptr) As ZString Ptr Ptr Dim iSepSize As Integer = strlen(sSep) Dim iPos As Integer = 0 Dim iCount As Integer = 0 ' 统计分隔符出现的次数 Do If Cast(UByte Ptr, sText)[iPos] = 0 Then Exit Do EndIf If strncmp(@Cast(UByte Ptr, sText)[iPos], sSep, iSepSize) = 0 Then iCount += 1 EndIf iPos += 1 Loop Print iCount ' 准备返回的数据 [分割指针 + NULL + 字符串表 + \0] Dim sRet As ZString Ptr Ptr = xRtl.TempMemory((iCount + 2) * SizeOf(Any Ptr) + iPos + 1) Dim pData As UByte Ptr = @sRet[iCount + 2] Dim pAddr As UByte Ptr = pData sRet[iCount + 1] = NULL RtlMoveMemory(pData, sText, iPos) pData[iPos] = 0 ' 开始分割数据 iCount = 0 For i As Integer = 0 To iPos - 1 'Print Cast(UByte Ptr, sText)[i], sText[i] If strncmp(@pData[i], sSep, iSepSize) = 0 Then pData[i] = 0 sRet[iCount] = pAddr pAddr = pData + i + iSepSize i += iSepSize - 1 iCount += 1 EndIf Next sRet[iCount] = pAddr SplitCount = iCount + 1 Return sRet End Function Function Split(sText As ZString Ptr, sSep As ZString Ptr) As ZString Ptr Ptr Dim iSize As Integer = strlen(sSep) If iSize = 0 Then ' 分隔符为 \0 的情况 Return SplitChar(sText, 0) ElseIf iSize = 1 Then ' 单个字符 Return SplitChar(sText, Cast(UByte Ptr, sSep)[0]) Else ' 多个字符 Return SplitText(sText, sSep) EndIf End Function